april 25, 2020

Dear Lamoille County Players’ Patrons, Partners, Casts, and Crew

In response to the Covid-19 outbreak, the Lamoille County Players at the Hyde Park Opera House are working to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved in our organization.

We regret to inform you that we will not be producing ‘the Philadelphia Story,’ ‘Annie,’ OR THE CHILDREN’S THEATER WORKSHOP in 2020. We remain hopeful that we'll be able to proceed with the remainder of the season (‘Carousel’ and ‘Clue on Stage’) as scheduled. Due to the continuing uncertainty ticket sales will remain on hold for the time being.

While we are sad to make this decision, we believe this is the safest course of action for our casts, crews, and patrons.

We thank you all for your continued patronage and look forward to seeing you soon! We encourage all Vermonters to continue to observe the social distancing and other directions from the Governor’s order – stay safe and healthy, everyone! Once the crisis is over, “the show will go on!”

Lamoille County Players Board of Directors

Audition Times:
AUG. 29 & 30, starting at 1:00p
Audition Place:
Hyde Park Opera House

November 13-15*; November 20-22
Fri-Sat, 7:00p; Sun, 2:00p
hyde park opera house

*Nov. 15: Special $10 Matinee! Any seat = 10 bucks!

Based on the Paramount Pictures motion picture; Based on the Hasbro board game Clue. It's a dark and stormy night, and you've been invited to a very unusual dinner party. Each of the guests has an alias, the butler offers a variety of weapons, and the host is, well . . . dead. So whodunnit? Join the iconic oddballs known as Scarlet, Plum, White, Green, Peacock, and Mustard as they race to find the murderer in Boddy Manor before the body count stacks up. Based on the cult classic film and the popular board game, Clue is a madcap comedy that will keep you guessing until the final twist.


WADSWORTH (Male): A traditional British butler in every sense: uptight, formal and “by the book.” He is the driving force in the play.

YVETTE (Female): A sexy, French Maid, with her own secret aspirations. (Also plays THE REPORTER in the final scene).

 MISS SCARLET (Female): A dry, sardonic D.C. Madam who is more interested in secrets than sex.

MRS. PEACOCK (Female): The church-going wife of a Senator. A bit batty, neurotic, and quick to hysteria.

MRS. WHITE (Female): A pale, morbid, and tragic woman. Mrs. White may or may not be the murderer of her five ex-husbands.

COLONEL MUSTARD (Male): A puffy, pompous, dense, blow-hard of a military man.

PROFESSOR PLUM (Male): An academic Casanova who woos women with his big … brain.

 MR. GREEN (Male): A timid, yet officious, rule follower. He’s a bit of a klutz and awfully anxious.



THE COOK: A threatening presence.

THE MOTORIST: A benign gentleman who rings the wrong doorbell.

AN AGENT: An FBI agent who helps to save the day.



MR. BODDY: A mobster type fella. A dark cloud follows this guy wherever he goes.

THE COP: A “Regular Joe.”

AN AGENT: An FBI agent who helps to save the day


Production Team

Holly Biracree

Rachel Haskins
Beth Carrier

Stage Manager:
Brian Marcoux

Gina Roberge

Set Design:
Thom Smith

Gina Jenkins